AbleRoad, a Web site and smart phone app, is seeking “roving reporters” to rate various public facilities and spaces for their accessibility.
A Sept. 15 news announcement from United Spinal Association’s executive VP/general counsel, James Weisman, said AbleRoad’s CEO, Kevin McGuire, is seeking 100 “enthusiastic reviewers from the United States interested in telling others about their positive and negative accessibility experiences at restaurants, stores, theatres, hotels, airports, sports facilities, professional offices and just about any place.”
Financial compensation may be available for reviewers, the announcement added.
McGuire indicates the free app is compatible with iPhone, iPad, Android and Kindle devices.
The United Spinal release said, “Kevin McGuire, a wheelchair user himself, wants you to help him help others with disabilities by acknowledging businesses that provide excellent service and access and alerts you to those that don’t.”
Potential reviewers should e-mail McGuire to express their interest in participating.