Autonomic dysreflexia is a serious condition that people with spinal cord injuries need to look out for at all times. According to Shepherd Center’s Web site, autonomic dysreflexia occurs because critical nerve signals are prevented from reaching the brain due to spinal cord injury. Blood vessels below the level of spinal cord injury tighten up, making it harder for blood to travel through. As a result, blood pressure can rise to very dangerous levels.
A number of everyday as well as more unusual situations can trigger autonomic dysreflexia, from having a full bowel or bladder or wearing tight clothing. Autonomic dysreflexia can also be set off by urinary tract infections, pressure sores or injuries, or can occur during performance of a bowel program.
To alert clinicians, people with spinal cord injuries and their families to the dangers of autonomic dysreflexia, the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation and Paralyzed Veterans of America have partnered to offer a downloadable autonomic dysreflexia infographic. The poster explains the condition, lists common triggers, and lists symptoms of autonomic dysreflexia to watch for. The infographic also urges spinal cord injury patients to seek immediate medical help if they’re experiencing symptoms of autonomic dysreflexia.
Download your copy by clicking HERE.