A new infographic created by Braun Ability shows 3.3 million wheelchair users in the United States, with an additional 10 million using walking aids, such as a cane or walker.
Using data gleaned from sources including the U.S. Census, the colorful infographic includes information on a number of disabilities, along with statistics that suggest the impact that disabilities can have.
For instance, the infographic shows an unemployment rate of 14.5 percent for people with disabilities, versus 9 percent unemployment for people without disabilities.
On the positive side, BraunAbility noted that 98 percent of transit buses were equipped with ramps as of 2007. In 1995, just 62 percent of transit buses had ramps.
Access the infographic here.
BraunAbility (braunability.com), manufacturer of wheelchair-accessible vehicles, is celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2012. Founder Ralph Braun had been building assistive technology devices since 1962 and built products under the Save-A-Step Manufacturing Company name until 1972, when the company incorporated as The Braun Corp. The BraunAbility brand was introduced in 2008 and includes Braun’s consumer mobility product lines.