ISS:VPS Continues March 6
The second day of the International Seating Symposium’s Virtual Professional Summit (ISS:VPS) is Wed., March 6.
The VPS provides two days of seating and wheeled mobility education, with CEUs available. The March 6 session can be viewed live, and will also be available to view on demand. The first day of the VPS — Feb. 7 — is also available on demand for registrants.
CP Foundation Lists March Studies and Trials
The Cerebral Palsy Foundation has updated its list of studies and trials for children and adults with cerebral palsy (CP).
The latest studies include a school readiness project for preschool-aged children with CP; a study on the use of joysticks on ride-on toys and the impact of bilateral arm function; cerebellar deep brain stimulation for movement disorders in children and young adults; and cognitive behavioral therapy to reduce pain-related impairment in adults with CP.
Check out the Cerebral Palsy Foundation’s website for a full list of trials and studies currently seeking participants.