The Comfort Company has unveiled a new Web site to improve navigation and accessibility for rehab providers.
“The new design was formulated to accommodate the growing needs and demands of our customers,” says The Comfort Company’s Marketing Manager, Eric Murphy. “We feel that the increased functionality and ease of use will provide our customers with yet another tool to succeed.”
Murphy noted that the site includes a modern new design; an online quoting process that enables providers to save quotes and process orders as needed; downloadable marketing materials; and a Custom Designs division “which allows users to build complete custom wheelchair cushions or backs from scratch.”
Also included: a Medicare section that provides Medicare policy and Comfort Company product information. Click on “Medicare” in the Web site’s navigation bar, and you’ll see a grid with Comfort Company products, HCPCS codes and descriptions, current allowables, current retail pricing, and Medicare pdfs available via downloading.
Murphy says the Medicare section was created in response to provider needs given the current funding climate.
“About half of our users use our site for purchasing, and the other half use it for the informational aspect,” he explains. “We get tons and tons of questions about Medicare coding and funding, so we are trying to provide as much information as we possibly can on our Web site. It will eliminate phone calls and hopefully make it easier for our
To view the new site for yourself, visit