Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) and accessibility veteran Cindi Petito has joined VGM & Associates. Petito, OTR/L, MBA, ATP, CAPS, CEAC, is VGM’s new director of clinical networks. In an Oct. 23 press release, VGM said, “Cindi brings with her over 29 years of experience in multiple health-care settings, including Complex Rehab, as well as being…
Cindi Petito Joins VGM & Associates
House’s Power Standing Coverage Determination Letter Sent to CMS with 22 Signatures
The Complex Rehab Technology industry continues to push for a Medicare coverage determination for power standing on power wheelchairs.
The “Dear Colleague” letter from members of Congress was sent to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure with 22 signatures. In an Oct. 16 bulletin, the National Coalition for Assistive & Rehab Technology (NCART) updated stakeholders on the Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) industry’s latest effort to urge CMS to open the…
Senate Companion Bill Introduced for Ultralightweight Frame Upgrade
S. 5154, like its House counterpart, would be budget neutral for taxpayers, NCART said.
A companion bill to H.R. 5371 — the Choices for Increased Mobility Act, which would provide a path for Medicare beneficiaries to upgrade their ultralightweight wheelchair frames — has been introduced in the Senate. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) introduced S. 5154 on Sept. 24, the day of the legislative fly-in…
AAHomecare Focuses on H.R. 5371 at Congressional Fly-In
The Choices for Increased Mobility bill would provide a way for Medicare beneficiaries to upgrade to carbon fiber and titanium ultralightweight wheelchair frames.
Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) stakeholders at a Sept. 10 Congressional fly-in urged Congress to support H.R. 5371, a bill to provide Medicare beneficiaries a path for upgrading their ultralightweight wheelchair frames to carbon fiber or titanium at their own cost. In a Sept. 18 news announcement, the American Association for Homecare (AAHomecare) reported that advocates…
Advocates to Lobby for H.R. 5371 at Two September Fly-Ins
Both legislative events will focus on ultralightweight frame upgrades for Medicare beneficiaries.
Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) stakeholders will focus on building Congressional support for H.R. 5371, the Choices for Increased Mobility Act, at two Washington, D.C., fly-ins in September. The Sept. 9-10 legislative event is being led by the American Association for Homecare (AAHomecare). The Sept. 24 fly-in is being hosted by the National Coalition for Assistive…
New Research Examines Mobility Devices, Patient Characteristics of People Reporting Falls
The study used information from the Functional Mobility Assessment and Uniform Dataset Registry.
New research by clinical investigators at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of South Carolina reports on characteristics of people with limited mobility who experienced falls. An Aug. 19 news announcement from U.S. Rehab said the study — Falls in People with Mobility Limitations: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of a U.S. Registry of Assistive Device…
NCART, US Rehab Set Sept. 24 Fly-In Date
The in-person event in Washington, D.C., will rally support for Complex Rehab Technology issues.
The National Coalition for Assistive & Rehab Technology (NCART) and U.S. Rehab will cohost a Washington, D.C. legislative event on Sept. 24. In its newsletter issued May 30, NCART described the event as taking place in person and “focusing on educating members of Congress about the current economic issues challenging NCART members as they focus…
Briefly: U.S. Rehab Presents Forensic Denials Seminars; Grant to Study Pregnant Women with Disabilities
Featuring U.S. Rehab, United Spinal, and Brandeis University.
U.S. Rehab to Host In-Person Reimbursement Seminars U.S. Rehab’s Dan Fedor and VGM’s Ronda Buhrmeister are hitting the road to present their seminar, “Forensic Denials DME 2024.” The in-person events will be held March 7 in Seattle; April 18 in Hartford, Conn.; and Sept. 12 in Minneapolis. In the Feb. 5 seminar announcement, U.S. Rehab…
U.S. Rehab Lists 2024 Tech Training Events
Courses were designed for both basic and advanced seating and wheeled mobility technicians.
U.S. Rehab has announced its 2024 in-person tech training events, “providing wheelchair repair technicians with the opportunity to receive in-person education and hands-on experience with manual and power wheelchairs from technical trainers representing key vendor partners.” The training sessions — available to U.S. Rehab and VGM Group members — comprise a Basic Track, described by…