The da Vinci Awards program is seeking nominations of “people, products and services that bring life-improving technology to the world.”
The program, whose proceeds benefit the Michigan chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, recognizes achievements in five technology categories: communication/educational aids; environmental adaptation/daily living or work aids; prosthetics/orthotics/controls; recreation and leisure; and transportation and mobility.
The program will also give a “Student of da Vinci” award for an individual or a group of students in high school, college or graduate school who submit the best design project.
“Students with innovative ideas, but who may only be in the preliminary stages of design and development, are encouraged to apply,” the da Vinci Awards criteria stated.
Nominations for all competitive categories will be accepted through Sept. 30.
The transportation and mobility category includes “products to enable people with disabilities to drive or ride in cars, vans trucks and buses; products to aid people with disabilities who are able to walk or stand with assistance; and products and accessories that enable people with mobility disabilities to move freely indoors and outdoors.” Wheelchairs and scooters are included in that portion of the category.
Former da Vinci Award winners include Ottobock’s C-Leg, the PROPRIO foot by Ossur, the Independence Technology iBOT, and Bruno Independent Living Aids’ Lift-Up Power Mobility Seat.
Lifetime Achievement Award recipients have included Rory Cooper, Ph.D., distinguished professor of the department of rehabilitation science and technology, school of health and rehabilitation sciences, University of Pittsburgh, and Col. Paul Pasquina, M.D., chief of the Integrated Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
For more information or to nominate a deserving product, visit