Alternative driving controls can open up access for power wheelchair riders who can’t reliably use traditional joysticks. But choosing the best alternative driving control system can be challenging given the number of choices available and the different goals and abilities of wheelchair riders.
In this free Webinar, Stealth Products’ Gabriel Romero will share his experiences from more than two decades of Complex Rehab Technology experience, including many, many seating assessments that included alternative drive products.
Romero will discuss the all-important preparation for seating evaluations, the factors that can make an evaluation efficient and successful, and how, when, and where to conduct the all-important follow-ups.
Viewing this Webinar — created for seating clinicians and providers, funding specialists, rehab technicians, and other seating/wheelchair professionals — is free and available live (Sept. 27, 2 p.m. Eastern) or afterwards on demand thanks to sponsorship from Stealth Products.