Open Complex Rehab involves sharing practice-based evidence to improve the effectiveness of complex rehab technology (CRT) for specific populations using an open, user-centered, collaborative approach. In this final installment on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), I will show how this approach can lead to better CRT outcomes for users who require the most complex power chair…
ALS & Headrests: How Open CRT Offers New Opportunities
Last time, I reviewed some clinical aspects of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and their implications for power mobility. ALS power chairs are unique in that they must not only address a user’s needs at a given point in time; they must also address many foreseeable issues we can expect to encounter in the future. Their…
Open CRT for ALS: A Demonstration
Whether you are a clinician, manufacturer or supplier, the future of complex rehab will ultimately depend on our ability to demonstrate that complex rehab technology (CRT) makes a difference. Simply put, it’s about getting successful outcomes. In my June column, I wrote that successful outcomes require accurate understanding of the person, their problems, products and…
Open CRT: Everyone’s Responsible
These days, it is nearly impossible to read a peer-reviewed article about complex rehab technology (CRT) and not see the terms “evidence-based practice” and “outcome measures.” While there isn’t a seating clinician around who doesn’t acknowledge the importance of justifying CRT and related services, I think many find it difficult to apply these concepts to…