Inspired by Drive has launched a new online community called “Live Inspired.”
The site puts complex rehab consumers – particularly children and their families – front and center.
Live Inspired includes weekly blog posts by members of the community, including parents of children who have special needs. Among the first blog posts are “Dear New Parents” by Ileana Sosa; “5 Ways to Feel Less Alone as a Parent of a Disabled Child” by Ellen Seidman; and “The Hard Days” by Tara Thompson.
The site also includes resources for families, such as suggestions on crowdfunding to raise money for medical equipment not covered by insurance. Families can read letters sent in by other families, and submit their own stories or suggest seating and mobility products they’d like Inspired by Drive to offer.
Reading such submissions from parents, sharing ideas on the site and encouraging ongoing relationships with complex rehab families is the realm of Brittany Commodore, Inspired by Drive’s Digital Media & Professional Relations Manager. Prior to joining Inspired by Drive, Commodore had worked with the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA).
“There are a few local MDA families that I worked with and stay in touch with that I’ve featured on our online community,” she said. “One of our guest bloggers is an MDA parent.”
In a news announcement about the new site, Matt Lawrence, Inspired by Drive’s VP and general manager, said, “Our commitment to special needs families goes beyond our products. That’s why we created the #LiveInspired community, a new online community of special needs families and bloggers, where resources can be found and shared, and connections with other families made.
“The Live Inspired community is an extension of our mission to enhance the quality of life of the people we touch and our commitment to families.”