The ITEM Coalition has sent letters to Congress in support of three complex rehab technology (CRT) bills.
The letters support H.R. 2293, the complex rehab wheelchair bill in the U.S. House; S. 1223, the Senate’s complex rehab wheelchair bill; and H.R. 2408, the CRT separate benefit category bill in the House.
In a bulletin to industry stakeholders, NCART Executive Director Don Clayback said 32 national groups signed the letters.
Signees included the Amputee Coalition, the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Paralyzed Veterans of America, and United Spinal Association.
Among professional organizations, the American Occupational Therapy Association and the American Physical Therapy Association both signed on, as did the Clinician Task Force and RESNA.
Sent on June 21, the letters focused on Chairs and Ranking Members of the Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, and Finance committees.
All of the letters pointed out that the bills have bipartisan support.
H.R. 2293, the Protecting Access to Wheelchairs Act, exempts CRT manual wheelchairs from Medicare’s DME competitive bidding program and prevents the Medicare program from applying competitive bidding-derived pricing to those wheelchairs’ critical components and accessories.
S. 1223, the Protecting Beneficiary Access to Complex Rehab Technology Act, is the Senate version of that CRT manual wheelchair protection bill.
H.R. 2408, the Ensuring Access to Quality Complex Rehab Technology Act, would create a separate benefit category for CRT within the Medicare benefit, and would serve to differentiate CRT from Durable Medical Equipment used for beneficiaries who have shorter-term needs.
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