While seating discussions often seem to center on the wheelchair rider’s pelvis, appropriate positioning of the client’s head is critical for a number of functions, from efficient and safe eating and swallowing, to optimizing the client’s visual field for effective communications and social interactions.
In Mobility Management’s latest webinar — Heads Up! Innovative Head Positioning Hacks for Wheelchair Users, sponsored by Stealth Products — presenters Filipe Monforte Correia and Bart Van der Heyden, PT, discuss the challenges of optimizing head position for wheelchair riders, including the head’s limited “real estate,” and postural issues such as kyphosis and scoliosis.
Van der Heyden and Monforte Correia explore different head positioning strategies and technology, including innovative new possibilities that can improve clinical, functional and social outcomes. Register now to view this webinar on demand — and for the opportunity to send questions to the presenters.