There’s more to Medtrade than huge exhibit halls and aisles upon aisles of booths. With all that’s going on in mobility and rehab — from new power mobility codes to new supplier quality standards — Atlanta is the perfect place to catch some classes and ask questions that will help you to succeed in 2007. Check at the Georgia World Congress Center to confirm educational session dates, times and locations. Here are some educational highlights to get you started.
Tuesday, Sept. 19
8:30-9:30 a.m.
Reimbursement for Power Mobility Devices in 2006 & Beyond
Dan Fedor, Pride Mobility Products
Hear a former Medicare (DMERC) executive discuss Medicare’s new power mobility device (PMD) coverage criteria and documentation requirements. Participants will learn what brought about these changes and how to effectively adhere to the new policy to ensure access (reimbursement) for qualified patients.
Report from the PAOC: National Competitive Bidding
Dave Kazynski, Homelink division, VGM & Associates
Hear a discussion on the actions of the Program Advisory and Oversight Committee (PAOC) and the impact CMS’s decisions are having with regards to national competitive bidding.
9:45-10:45 a.m.
Medicare Coverage Criteria: Practical Application for Power Mobility
Peggy Walker, U.S. Rehab
To include: gathering and providing information to referral sources; coding of bases; how to complete a correct environmental evaluation; what a detailed written order must include to be accepted; first steps to take when an order is received; how to make certain documentation is complete for a post-pay audit situation.
11 a.m.-12 noon
The Science of Seating Materials: From a Clinical and RTS Perspective, Why Should We Care?
Sharon Pratt, Sunrise Medical
This session addresses how to determine what materials are appropriate from a detailed critical analysis of the properties of the most common materials used in the seating selection and prescription process. We will review the types of materials used in seat cushions to gain an understanding of the mechanics of how these materials re-distribute loads on the body and how these characteristics are optimized via combination of materials and cushion design. We will also review the influence of material construction on other variables besides load re-distribution, such as microclimate and stability, and attempt to translate this technical data into user-friendly, practical language for the clinical and RTS community. We will use case examples to demonstrate everyday prescription considerations.
Medicare Coverage Criteria: Custom (High-End) Manual Mobility
Claudia Amortegui, The Orion Group
Learn and understand the basics of billing for manual wheelchairs, including coding, documentation and coverage criteria.
Accreditation Simplified
Sandy Canally, The Compliance Team
Practical advice on how to meet CMS-proposed quality standards and mandatory accreditation requirements. Sandy Canally, author and principal architect of the Exemplary Providers Accreditation Program for DMEPOS, explains how simplification of oversight systems and the streamlining of business operations result in improved patient care and a healthier bottom line.
2:30-3:30 p.m.
ACHC Accreditation: Meeting the CMS Requirement
Tom Cesar & Tim Safley, Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC)
The session will provide a brief overview of steps in the accreditation process leading to the ACHC site survey. An update of CMS requirements and comparison to ACHC standards will also be discussed with recommendations on what major areas in your business you need to focus on to be in compliance with the quality standards.
Wednesday, Sept. 20
8:30-9:30 a.m.
Professional Development for the RTS & the Value of Certification: Perspectives & Outlooks
Dr. Mark Schmeler, University of Pittsburgh
In this vast and sophisticated healthcare continuum, the person who supplies the equipment is the only one without mandated certification. This person has perhaps one of the most critical roles to be certain the end-user is provided with appropriate equipment and given the best opportunity to maintain an appropriate level of functional independence. This session will review situation where the lack of certified suppliers has resulted in poor outcomes as strategies the industry should consider to move towards formalizing certified suppliers as healthcare professions and to promote nationwide state licensure.
9:45-10:45 a.m.
Cocktail Napkin to Creation: How New Technologies in Power Positioning Are Born
Brad Peterson, Motion Concepts
Creative minds converge to conjure up the perfect system to meet the needs of the most challenging and complex clients. Many times a unique idea is hatched, roughly sketched on any available piece of paper, and the wheels are set in motion to create this unique technology. Track the processes involved in the design, manufacture and delivery of unique power positioning systems from clinical goals to engineering obstacles and funding hurdles. No two systems are alike; however, every practitioner and provider can learn from how these daily challenges were met.
10:30-11:30 a.m.
Joint Commission Update
Robert Floro, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
This session will inform participants of changes in survey process, standards, requirements and eligibility for 2007. It is intended for individuals who are associated with joint commission accredited organizations, as well as consultants and others interested in joint commission changes for the coming year.
11 a.m.-12 noon
Rehab: The Changing Medicare System
Cara Bachenheimer, Invacare Corp.
The rehab industry has been through tumultuous times over the last two years, and the stream of changes will continue over the next several years. With massive changes to Medicare coverage, coding, payment and documentation for rehab items and services, providers face a series of challenges. On top of these issues, the Medicare Program is scheduled to being implementing competitive bidding in 2007. In this session, learn what is currently required/recommended for submitting claims for Medicare reimbursement, what is anticipated in the near future the impacts of competitive bidding, how you can succeed and how you can influence the process.
3-4 p.m.
Choose CHAP for CMS Compliance
Terry Duncombe & Harriett Olson, Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP)
This session will explain how CHAP accreditation will enable home medical equipment organizations to achieve compliance with the CMS Medicare regulations for home medical equipment. The session will include a brief overview of the CHAP accreditation process, including the initial and renewal self-study, which enables an organization to self-assess compliance or non-compliance with the CMS regulations and CHAP standards. The session will also include a discussion of the plan for or actual integration of the CMS regulations into the CHAP standards and the related crosswalk from the CHAP standards to the CMS regulations. The session will focus on the rationale for seeking and choosing CHAP accreditation in order to support organizational compliance and achievement of standards.
Thursday, Sept. 21
9:45 a.m.-12 noon
The Future of Rehab: Get Your Secret Decoder Ring Here!
Rita Hostak, NCART & Sunrise Medical
There are many dangers that put the future of the rehab industry at risk. The major changes in rehab have not been advancements in technology to meet the needs of people with disabilities. The major changes have been primarily regulatory changes that challenge rehab companies as they attempt to provide the products and services that meet the needs of their clients. This session will focus on the most imminent issue by providing the latest information, presented by the experts. Be sure you and your staff are armed with timely and accurate information.
11 a.m.-12 noon
What to Do When Your Compliance Plan Works Like It Should: A Road Map for Avoiding the Pitfalls of Internal Investigations
Asela Cuervo, Law Offices of Asela Cuervo; Judith Wheat, Wheat Wu
The new DMEPOS quality standards will require every provider that bills the Medicare program to establish an effective compliance program. It will not be sufficient to buy a canned compliance plan from a consultant. Executives will need to implement plans that are specific to their company and that include a process for internal audits and investigations. Discover ways to assess the DMEPOS risk areas identified by the OIG and strategies to effectively investigate and handle problems as they arise. Learn how to address employee complaints and avoid claims of retaliation. Recognize matters that can be handled internally. Know when to call outside counsel and how to work with them. Understand the consequences for individuals and the company if you fail to act.
1:30-2:30 p.m.
HQAA Update
Mary Nicholas, Healthcare Quality Association on Accreditation (HQAA)
This session will offer a review for attendees of HQAA and the accreditation product offered to the HME industry. The update will review how HQAA has met and complies with the CMS Quality Standards. Learn how HQAA differs from traditional accreditation programs and what makes this program unique.