National Government Services (NGS), Medicare’s Jurisdiction B DME MAC, this week launched its redesigned Web site.
In announcing the new site’s introduction, an NGS news release said the url – – will remain the same, as will provider access to NGSConnex, Medicare University, PECOS and e-mail Updates.
The announcement said Web site users would not need to update log-on identifications or passwords.
Site visitors start out on a Welcome page to choose their areas of interest – for example, “I am a DME Supplier” – as well as the states in which they do business. Visitors are then taken to the appropriate Web site pages.
“Many of your previously established bookmarks will still work on the new site,” the news release said. “If you have a bookmark link that has not been retained, you will be directed either to a site map or our Welcome Page. As you navigate through the new site, be sure to update your bookmarks or add new favorites as you find the information you need.”
NGS is offering ongoing Web site tours to introduce users to the new site’s features and functions. Those tours, along with NGS Webinars and event appearances, can be accessed via the Training page in the top navigation bar. Providers can view upcoming lists of events and sign up to participate, or can view pdfs of presentations for past events.