NSM’s Bill Mixon and Charles Sargeant discuss how funding changes could improve the consumer experience.
COVID Challenges in Canada: One Provider’s Perspective
How Small Providers Can Rise Above Their Competitors
Leveraging Technology to Simplify CRT/DME Operations
NCART Update: CRT’s Summer Heats Up!
NRRTS at 30: The Evolving Role of the RTS
Documentation Dilemmas: From Identifying Delays to Streamlining Solutions
Service & Repair: Busting the “Unprofitable” Myth
Reimagining the Successful Workplace of Tomorrow
CRT’s Complicated Relationship with Innovation
Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) relies on innovation to meet the evolving needs and goals of people with disabilities. But is CRT a nurturing environment for new ideas and new technology? LUCI co-founders Barry Dean and Jered Dean discuss barriers to new technology and how stakeholders can work together toward more successful seating and mobility outcomes.