Quantum Rehab is looking for five power wheelchair users to become “Q Roll Models.”
The winners will help to demonstrate the functionality and features of iLevel, the manufacturer’s adjustable seat height system.
Winners will receive a four-month Roll Model contract and a Quantum Rehab power chair that features iLevel, as well as future parts and service.
Megan Kutch, Director of Quantum Marketing, said in a news announcement, “We want to bring five people on board who could benefit from iLevel the most so we can give them the gift of life-sustaining independence. The winners will share their new experiences so people can see how iLevel benefits them in their daily activities, makes social interactions more fulfilling, and increases their quality of life.”
Legal U.S. residents who are at least 18 years old — and children 10 years and older, with consent of a parent or guardian — are eligible to enter to win. Winners will be determined by public voting (10 percent), the content of their pictures (30 percent) and “an explanation of how iLevel would help the contest participant live his or her best life” (60 percent).
From now through July 31, contestants can sign up by going to the LifeatiLevel.com Web site.