Transportability is a major priority for these complex rehab and accessibility products that are ready to hit the road or take to the skies.
The Value of Power Backup Systems for Lift Products
Power backup systems or uninterruptable power supplies (UPS) for stairlifts, vertical platform lifts or other accessibility products have become a staple option to offer clients… and they have even been integrated as the base offering by some vendors. The reality is that a typical commercial UPS is not designed to handle motor loads, and therefore…
How to Assess Home Entryways for Improved Accessibility
Being able to enter and exit a home quickly and safely is not only a matter of everyday efficiency and independence. In case of an emergency, such as a natural disaster or a medical problem, it can be crucial. Fortunately, steps don’t have to be barriers to consumers who use wheelchairs, scooters or walkers. Vertical…