A late-night bid on Thursday, June 26, to allow a full-Senate vote on the Medicare Improvement for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 has failed.
The Senate Cloture vote to consider H.R. 6331, the so-called “doc fix” bill passed by the House of Representatives earlier this week, was 58-40. A total of 60 votes would have enabled the bill to be voted on by the full Senate.
H.R. 6331 contained competitive bidding program reforms, including a delay to first-round implementation, scheduled to begin July 1. The bill also would have eased payment reductions to physicians billing Medicare, thus leading to the bill’s “doc fix” nickname. The bill was passed in the House by a 355-59 vote on Tuesday.
The House has adjourned until after the Independence Day holiday next week, with the Senate scheduled to recess today for the holiday.