The International Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers (iNRRTS) has launched a Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) industry technician survey “to gather feedback about the quality and quantity of CRT service technicians.” The survey is aimed at “CRT suppliers,” defined as “the person who provides highly specialized seating and mobility equipment and services tailored for individuals with…
iNRRTS Launches CRT Service Technician Survey
Briefly: NRRTS Has a New Name; Take a Rare Disease Survey
Featuring the International Registry of Rehab Technology Suppliers and Bionews.
NRRTS Now Known as iNRRTS The organization formerly known as the National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers (NRRTS) has changed its name to iNRRTS to reflect its international reach and scope. In a Jan. 8 news announcement, iNRRTS President Carey Britton, ATP/SMS, CRTS, said, “The additions of Canadian and Australian suppliers to the Registry has…