When getting into bed requires little or no effort, it’s easy to take lying down comfortably for granted. But last week, a new position paper from the Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) addressed bed as a place of pain and discomfort for too many clients with positioning challenges. The paper…
Commentary: 4 Takeaways from RESNA’s Lying Posture Care Management Position Paper
RESNA Calls for Comments on Lying Posture Care Management Position Paper
The paper contends that optimal lying posture care management can have a profound impact on a client’s entire day.
The Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) is calling for public comments on a new position paper: RESNA Position on Assistive Technology for Lying Posture Care Management. In a Jan. 6 announcement, RESNA noted that the public comment period “is the final stage for a RESNA position paper. This paper has…