The SCOOTER Store has reported that it has served its 500,000th consumer – a woman in Houston named Earvin Thompson, who received a power chair.
The milestone coincided with the beginning of the company’s 20th year in business. “This is the year that our nation’s baby boomers start turning 65 years old, and Ms. Thompson is an example of the growing number of senior citizens who need power mobility to live safely and confidently in their own homes,” said President/CEO Doug Harrison in a news release.
Thompson received the power chair last month.
The news release that announced the event added that during The SCOOTER Store’s 19-year lifetime, the company “has saved the Medicare Trust Fund and other healthcare insurances more than $7 billion by providing beneficiaries with power mobility assistance. According to a study, Medicare beneficiaries with power mobility equipment averaged $14,000 in fewer medical expenses over a three-year period when compared to beneficiaries with identical conditions who did not receive power mobility.”