United Spinal Association is looking to grow its army of advocates.
In an April 20 bulletin, United Spinal invited stakeholders to join the organization’s Grassroots Advocacy Network. “Roll your own way,” United Spinal said. “How you participate is up to you!”
Stakeholders signing up for the Grassroots Advocacy Network will receive Action Alerts “when our community needs to reach out to our elected officials,” United Spinal said. Those Alerts will be in the form of an e-mail “with a button to click that takes you to our Action Alert page. Just check that your name, address, and e-mail are correct, and click Send Message. That’s all there is to it!”
Advocacy Network members will also be invited to monthly virtual meetings “with dozens of advocates participating from around the country, talking about advocacy challenges in our communities and sharing strategies among ourselves.”
Other opportunities include participating in working groups that meet approximately monthly on topics of interest to the community; participating in Virtual Advocacy Day, when advocates can talk to members of Congress over Zoom; and Roll on Capitol Hill, “our signature fly-in event in Washington, D.C., that includes meetings with your members of Congress and their staff.”
“All are welcome to join,” said Steve Lieberman, Director of Advocacy & Policy for United Spinal. “All that’s required is that you care about the issues faced by wheelchair users.”