To get ready for the second round of competitive bidding, which is due to affect 70 major metropolitan areas, The VGM Group has created an educational series called “Competitive Bidding: Preparing for Round Two.”
VGM VP of Development Mark Higley says of the series, “Attendees will learn from the experience and concerns of the 2007 ‘Round One’ bidders and obtain guidance on the proper preparation to determine a bid, tips to navigate the electronic bid submission system, and key accreditation action steps. We will also discuss network and subcontracting opportunities, as well as the latest legislative priorities affecting the industry.”
VGM members receive a seminar discount, but non-members can also enroll by visiting the VGM Web site: The updated dates and locations are as follows (check with VGM before finalizing your travel plans):
Jan. 31: Chicago
Feb. 12: Phoenix
Feb. 14: St. Louis
Feb. 26: Baltimore
Feb. 28: Charlotte, N.C.
March 4: San Jose, Calif.
March 6: Tacoma, Wash.
March 18: Newark, N.J.
March 20: Providence, R.I.
April 1: Columbus, Ohio
April 3: Detroit
April 15: Denver
April 17: Atlanta
April 22: Tampa, Fla.
April 24: Houston
April 29: Nashville, Tenn.
May 5: Long Beach, Calif.