Once upon a time, power assist for manual wheelchairs was dominated by hub-mounted designs incorporated into the wheelchair’s rear wheels. But over the years, those venerable in-hub systems were joined by power-assist systems that mount to the front or the back of folding or rigid wheelchairs to provide more choices for wheelchair riders and seating…
Power Assist’s Exhilarating Evolution
Commentary: Barbie Reigns, Seat Elevation Coverage Intrigues in Q1
Reviewing Mobility Management’s most-read stories this quarter.
The most-read Mobility Management story of Q1 2024 was bright pink and purple. Barbie Goes to Seating Clinic, published Jan. 23, was inspired by Lauren Rosen, PT, MPT, MSMS, ATP/SMS, program coordinator at the Motion Analysis Center, St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital of Tampa (Fla.). Lauren passionately advocates for independent mobility for young children, which is…
United Spinal Announces Wheelchair Securement Project
The new SecureRide coalition is working on a new wheelchair securement standard.
United Spinal is working on a new wheelchair securement standard designed for “safer, more accessible, and seamless independent travel in the future.” In a Nov. 20 announcement, United Spinal launched the SecureRide coalition with the mission of “developing a wheelchair securement standard that can be applied to personal vehicles, rideshares, public transit, as well…
CMS Announces Preliminary Coding Recommendations for Powered Seat Elevation
Stakeholders are invited to present comments during a Nov. 30 coding meeting.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has revealed its first coding recommendations following its May decision to cover powered seat elevation on power wheelchairs for Medicare beneficiaries. The announcement came as part of CMS’s agenda for its Nov. 30 public meeting on Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes. Waiting for More Info…
University of Pittsburgh RSTCE Launches ISS 2023: On-Demand
Course bundles feature presentations from the live event in April.
If you’ve ever stressed out about attending just one International Seating Symposium (ISS) session while three or four great ones are happening simultaneously… the ISS team has a solution. In an Oct. 11 bulletin, the University of Pittsburgh’s Department of Rehabilitation Science & Technology Continuing Education (RSTCE) announced the launch of an on-demand CEU program…