Client: Gabe Adams, 17 years old.
Diagnosis: Four-limb Amelia.
Gabe Adams drives his new Quickie QM-710 with his shoulder.
I’ve chosen my own happiness. That’s a phrase Gabe Adams
of Utah recently wrote to caption a picture of himself he posted on
Instagram. Finding joy in the little things and being able to smile
through incredibly difficult situations are things many people struggle
with throughout their entire lives. However, 17-year-old Gabe seems to
already be a master of both. His positive attitude, determination and
radiating smile have inspired everyone he has encountered, including
his complex rehabilitation technology team.
“Awesome Gabe Adams”
In May 2015, one of my colleagues at Sunrise Medical, Account
Manager Roger Serzen, sent me an e-mail with the subject line “The
Awesome Gabe Adams & the Advantage of Assignable Buttons.” As
someone who has dedicated much of my career to helping clients gain
independence through power mobility, I love learning about creative
solutions fellow industry members have come up with to provide a
client with independent mobility. Roger’s e-mail included a video
featuring a young man driving a Quickie QM-710 power wheelchair
with a standard joystick, independently transferring in and out of the
wheelchair, and operating the seating functions via a switch.
So what was so cool about
Gabe, the young man in the
video, was born with four-limb
Amelia — he has no arms or
legs. From the moment I saw
that video, I knew I had to
meet Gabe and learn about
his team’s journey to success
with identifying the best power
Gabe, born in Brazil, was
adopted at 9 months old. When
his parents, Ron and Janelle,
brought him home to Utah,
the only way he was able to
move around his environment
was by rolling. Shortly after
arriving, Gabe began going to Shriners Hospital in Salt Lake City for
outpatient therapy services. It was at Shriners Hospital that his family
was introduced to Ken Kozole, ATP, BSME, OTR/L, and Matt Lowell,
MPT, from the wheelchair and seating department. Throughout the
years, Ken and Matt have worked closely with Gabe and his family to
provide him with wheelchairs that not only meet his unique needs, but
also provide him with the most independence.
Last year, when it came time for Gabe to be evaluated for a new
wheelchair, his family naturally turned to Ken and Matt for assistance.
Evolving Needs & Goals
By this time, Gabe was an active 16-year-old, so what he desired and
needed in a wheelchair was different from when he was in elementary school. To determine what Gabe needed in a new wheelchair, it was
essential that the team first determine what was working well on his old
wheelchair and the areas that needed to be improved.
Positive aspects of the old wheelchair included power capabilities
that enabled Gabe to drive and transfer in and out of the wheelchair
independently. Areas of improvement for Gabe’s next wheelchair
included simplifying the electronics, as well as providing better
suspension, increased speed capabilities, a smaller footprint for better
maneuverability in a variety of settings, and an alternative to using his
head for driving.
Gabe with author Angie Kiger.
Historically, Gabe had driven his power wheelchairs with his head
via head arrays and RIM controls. The team decided to explore whether
or not Gabe could functionally, efficiently and safely drive a power
wheelchair using the residual musculature in his left shoulder. To
accomplish this, a joystick was mounted directly beside his shoulder.
Gabe was able to successfully utilize the standard joystick and was
excited to drive his chair without using his head.
The obstacles surrounding the desire to decrease the footprint,
increase the speed, improve suspension and maintain Gabe’s ability
to get in and out of the wheelchair independently posed an entirely
different set of obstacles. The Shriners wheelchair and seating team
of Matt and Ken had an epiphany one day when they were discussing
Gabe’s needs. If they were able to transform an elevating legrest system
into a chair-to-floor mechanical assist accessible via a switch, then
Gabe could have the other benefits of a mid-wheel-drive base (smaller
footprint, turning radius, and maneuverability), increased speed and
better suspension. Ken and Matt contacted Roger (Sunrise Medical)
and the complex rehabilitation technology supplier, Bryon Cheney,
ATP, Intermountain Homecare, to brainstorm solutions for making
everything work.
To provide Gabe with a wheelchair that had better maneuverability,
decreased footprint, increased speed capabilities, and better suspension,
the team decided to go with the Quickie QM-710. The QM-710 is a
mid-wheel-drive power wheelchair with a much smaller turning radius
than Gabe’s previous wheelchair, thus allowing for better maneuverability
in smaller spaces. In addition, the QM-710 features SpiderTrac
suspension, which provides superior traction
and handling across all terrains. Through the
use of the assignable button/switch jack feature
available on the QM-710 and a power-elevating
center-mount legrest system, the team was able
to create a chair-to-floor mechanical assist that
Gabe can control via a switch programmed as a
latched button.
In addition, a switch was mounted on the back
of the wheelchair set to power the wheelchair
on and off. This rear switch enables Gabe to
independently turn his wheelchair on and off
when he is on the ground. When Gabe is in his
wheelchair, he is able to use a standard joystick to
drive and control the power functions with the
residual musculature in his left shoulder. The efforts of the team were
evident the moment Gabe transferred into his new QM-710 independently
and sped off with a grin on his face.
Gabe, shown here with one of his dance instructors, has competed on his school
dance team. His dance videos have taken YouTube and social media by storm.
Need for Speed
Last October, I traveled to Salt Lake City and was privileged to have the
opportunity to meet Gabe and his mother, Janelle. For a little over an
hour, Gabe, Janelle and I traded stories. Janelle recalled the very first
moment she and her husband learned about Gabe. They knew instantly
that Gabe was born to be a part of their family, and he has provided
them with tremendous joy. Gabe candidly shared stories from his
childhood and his perspective on life, including
where his internal drive comes from and his
dreams for the future. He was vocal about the
important roles his family, friends and faith have
in his life. Gabe also shared his passion for music
and love of dance.
When the conversation shifted to talking
about the role power mobility has had in Gabe’s
life, he and his mother raved about the life-changing
impact of the complex rehab team.
Gabe revealed that his goals surrounding his
power wheelchair have always been relatively
simple: a system that allows him to be
completely independent in his mobility, is
Gabe with author Angie Kiger. designed to encourage people to see him first as opposed to his wheelchair, can maneuver wherever he wants to go,
and, most importantly, enables him to live at the speed of life. Gabe
informed me that he “loves” his QM-710… it’s his speedy racer.
Determining the best mobility system requires an incredible amount
of teamwork. In this case, Gabe, his family, therapists, complex rehab
technology supplier, and equipment manufacturer all pulled together
to come up with the perfect solution. According to Matt and Ken,
clients such as Gabe are a constant reminder to never say never and to
always listen to your client! After meeting him, I can assure you, Gabe
Adams is a world changer who motivates everyone he encounters!