Symmetric Designs and Supracor have teamed up to offer more breathable, yet very supportive solutions for wheelchair users who need aggressive and complex support.
Custom-molded seating can be a great option for wheelchair users with very complex or fixed postural needs. But due to their highly supportive designs, custom-molded systems can also trap heat and moisture, which can raise wheelchair clients’ risk of pressure injuries and skin breakdown.
Fortunately, the newest generation of custom-molded seating now offers options that are sensitive to these dilemmas.
Sam Hannah, ATP, Executive VP at Symmetric Designs, recently announced just such an option for the company’s Free Form Seating system.
“Free Form Back Kits now have the option for a Stimulite cover,” Hannah said. “Each Free Form Back Kit always includes a foam pad/cover, but clients now have the option to upgrade to a Stimulite cover for their custom moldable backrest. The Stimulite cover is 3/4″ thick, covered in air mesh. It provides a soft but supportive interface between the custom-contoured Free Form shell and the client. The entire cover and pad can be machine washed and hung to dry.”
Stimulite is Supracor’s popular honeycomb, designed and manufactured to be antibacterial, antifungal and odor resistant, in addition to being lightweight and easy to clean.
“Free Form and Stimulite are very complementary seating materials that give the client a fully ventilated, contoured backrest,” Hannah said. “There is air flow and moisture dissipation through the shell, padding and cover. This is very important, as it allows air flow, which reduces heat and moisture buildup, two potential causes of poor skin integrity or skin breakdown. When combined with proper contouring, a Free Form Back with Stimulite achieves a balance of proper pressure distribution, offloading, support, moisture dissipation and temperature control.”