To explain how two very different seat cushions can have
the same HCPCS code, Jeff Rogers, senior JAY seating product
manager for Sunrise Medical, compared two current Sunrise
Medical cushions.
“In our Fusion, our focus is our fluid technology,” Rogers said.
“It has a combination of a hard structural foam for stability and a
high-resilience softer foam for comfort,
and it helps with skin protection. Then
on the other side in that same code,
we have our JAY J3 cushion, where we
partnered with ROHO and have the air
bladder put in the well. It’s more focused
on a prescribed fit with the air bladder. It’s
similar materials, but two very different
products. They’re both E2622.”
Rogers added that different seating
philosophies can lead to different technology
“We’ve seen competitors in the market
focusing on different ways of providing
cushions,” he said. “We hear the term
‘off-loading’ a lot, where people are
supporting the [client] where they feel fit
and not as susceptible to pressure sores.
However, that can feel very uncomfortable. For the Fusion, we
focus more on immersion and allowing a uniform pressure across
the individual to distribute the weight and bring the pressures
down. So two very different ways of tackling a similar problem, but
both of them are in the same code.”

Left: JAY Fusion, Right: JAY J3